Our Programs
We encourage the moms/parents/caregivers involvement in the treatment of their infant by providing compassionate, non-judgmental care which empowers the family to realize a healthier, more productive life. Moms/parents/caregivers work with peer mentors and learn to support their newborn throughout the withdrawal process and if necessary, create a child services case plan to avoid removal or work toward reunification of the child. Detailed case management includes treatment, safety plans, advocacy, legal referral and documentation assistance.
HOPPE Program

Groups are co led by our "Lived Experience" Peer Mentors to ensure that you and your family have the information and resources necessary to achieve optimal health and wellness for their infants, children, and themselves.

We offer a variety of evidence- based classes to help you learn and grow as a parent, decrease substance use, increase confidence and work towards family cohesion.

Through effective and compassionate case management, Hushabye Nursery staff will help you navigate health care alongside other critical systems and social services.

Hushabye Nursery’s staff counselor is experienced in trauma therapy and marriage and family counseling and will work with clients to help them heal from trauma and build healthy relationships.
Supporting Families Struggling with Opiate Use Disorder
Hushabye Nursery groups support pregnant women and their families struggling with Opiate Use Disorder. Services range from general support groups to those specifically designed to support your recovery and encourage healthy coping skills. Hushabye Nursery staff understands that this can be an overwhelming time, and we are here to support you!
People with lived/living experience deeply understand the realities of OUD. Their stories and experiences serve as powerful tools for building compassion and for disrupting and clarifying an understanding of its root causes and scope. Hushabye Nursery recognizes people with lived/living experience as context experts. Groups are co-led by our “Lived Experience” Peer Mentors to ensure that families have the information and resources necessary to achieve optimal health and wellness for their infants, children, and themselves.
Mentors provide advocacy and education for families of children with special health care needs and pregnant women with special health care needs to eliminate barriers to access and better prepare families to have access to care and be equal participants in decisions within the systems of care. Our mentoring program also serves as a safety net service in this community with limited resources.
The Hushabye Opioid Pregnancy Preparation and Empowerment (HOPPE) program is designed to help you have a healthy pregnancy, healthy baby, safe home and keep your family together. This group supports pregnant women and their families struggling with Opiate Use Disorder. Hushabye Nursery understands that this can be an overwhelming time, and in this group you will learn strategies for success and find caring individuals to support you!
Group Coaching
This group is led by our family coach and covers a specific topic each week. Here you will learn about resources available to you as well as make sure you have a solid understanding of how to use your green binder and how to access additional support.
Mommy Fridays
Join Hushabye mommies at different locations each week where kids can play, have a snack and you can enjoy some grown-up conversation!
SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery is an abstinence-based support group that focuses on ideas and techniques to help you change your life from one that is self-destructive and unhappy, to one that is constructive and satisfying. You will learn scientifically proven methods designed to empower you to change and to develop a more positive lifestyle.
Strength Through Safety
This support group is designed for people with a history of addiction and trauma. It focuses on healthy coping skills to help you become more safe in your relationships, thinking, and actions. Seeking Safety focuses on the present which means we will focus on what you can do right now to create a better life for you and your family!
Helping to Learn and Grow as a Parent
Hushabye Nursery offer a variety of evidence-based classes to help you learn and grow as a parent, decrease substance use, increase confidence and work towards family cohesion.
We offer parenting classes that will teach you strategies to foster a healthy relationship with your child or children, and provide additional education classes including the most updated information on labor and delivery, safe sleep, and car seat safety.
Car Seat Safety
Hushabye parents will receive a FREE car seat and learn the appropriate skills to install the car seat and secure the child in the car seat. Videos and discussion, along with referral to arrange an independent consult with a car seat tech to ensure safety are included.
Pregnancy and Birthing
These classes taught by a labor and delivery nurse will help prepare you for the birth of your new baby. Each class will focus on a different topic such as creating a birth plan, pain management, and types of births. These will be taught in person and a Zoom option is also available.
Safe Sleep
Parents will receive a FREE Pack and Play portable crib and learn the ABC’s of safe sleep skills. Always on their Back sleeping only in a Crib to ensure safety.
Triple P
Triple P is an evidence based parenting program that teaches parents the skills needed to raise confident, healthy children, and build stronger family relationships. You will learn simple, practical strategies that you can adapt to meet the needs of your families’ values, beliefs, and needs. The program consists of four group sessions, and two weeks of individualized sessions that you will schedule with your instructor.
Effective and Compassionate Case Management
Through effective and compassionate case management, Hushabye Nursery staff will help you navigate health care alongside other critical systems and social services. Our care team will offer you resources and support to help prepare you and your family for DCS involvement to foster family unification or work toward reunification of you and your child or children.
Hushabye parents work with case management staff to best prepare for, and collaborate with the Department of Child Services (DCS) to ensure that the home environment is safe and secure for the prospect of maintaining custody of their newborn.
The Strengthening Through Safety family coaching approach helps families/caregivers identify and build protective factors to prevent child abuse and neglect and help the family learn to thrive.
Hushabye case management collaborates with many affordable and permanent supporting housing partners throughout the Valley including Native American Connections and Arizona Housing Inc. to provide housing navigation by way of referrals to these partners.
Healing from Trauma to Build Healthy Relationships
Hushabye Nursery’s staff counselor is experienced in trauma therapy and marriage and family counseling and will work with clients to help them heal from trauma and build healthy relationships. Healthy coping skills and emotional self-regulation are emphasized as primary goals to support recovery. The Strengthening Families strengths-based family coaching approach focuses on family well-being and helping families identify/build protective factors to prevent child abuse and neglect. The Hushabye family coach is The Protective Factors and Level 3 Triple P Parenting certified.
Peer Support
People with lived/living experience deeply understand the realities of their substance use disorder (SUD). Their stories and experiences serve as powerful tools for building compassion and help to bring meaning to root causes that often span generations. Hushabye Nursery recognizes people with lived/living SUD experience as context experts. Our Peer Support Program provides participants first-hand knowledge of systemic barriers and meaningful coaching work in the area of resilience/coping skills as a means to address and overcome the challenge.

Trauma Therapy
The development of coping skills, resilience skills and affect regulation skills reduces the risk of trauma, stress, chronic poverty and household dysfunction.
Innovative, Family Centered Treatment
In response to pressing community health needs, Hushabye Nursery created an innovative new care model for family systems and communities impacted by the opioid use disorder. Hushabye Nursery opened its doors in 2017 as the first in Arizona and only third in the nation medical care model created by nurse practitioners to treat infants experiencing Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS).
12-room Inpatient Detox Nursery
We have a 12-room inpatient detox nursery customized to treat babies born with NAS and provide intensive outpatient family services as part of prenatal and postnatal continuous care. Hushabye Nursery’s staff is committed to creating a trauma-informed residential treatment environment that fosters inclusion and empowerment. Our staff builds trust while demonstrating empathy. Caregivers work with peer mentors and are taught how to support their newborn throughout the withdrawal process.
Intensive Care for Infants
Care for infants experiencing NAS is intensive. Traditional treatment approaches often involve admitting infants experiencing NAS to the NICU and pharmacological treatment, or the administration of opioids such as morphine and methadone.
Hushabye Nursery use of pharmacologic intervention is 4% compared with the average NICU use of 95%.
ACEs and/or Trauma Informed Care
There is a strong correlation between OUD and traumatic experience. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study conducted by Kaiser Permanente and the CDC found that individuals who suffered three or more ACEs had a much greater likelihood of engaging in substance abuse.
The study noted that, “The compulsive use of nicotine, alcohol, and injected street drugs increases proportionally in a strong, graded dose response manner that closely parallels the intensity of adverse life experiences during childhood.” Individuals with high childhood trauma scores were more likely to display antisocial behavior and complicated addiction histories. Studies show that individuals who have experienced childhood trauma including chronic poverty and household dysfunction are more likely to report chronic pain and are more likely to seek opioids for pain relief in adulthood.
Hushabye Nursery provides families education based on The National Alliance of Children’s Trust and Prevention protective factors that facilitate a pathway for improved outcomes for children and families. These factors include concrete support systems, parental resilience, and knowledge of child development.
Foster Care Impact
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reports that “[t]he main reason why children end up in foster care is that at least one parent has a substance abuse issue, especially opioids.” According to the Arizona Department of Child Safety, in 2018 Arizona had the 12th highest foster care entry rate in the nation.
Hushabye Nursery’s innovative, family-centered treatment model for NAS infants engages both health care providers and social service providers to deliver coordinated services and help families become resilient, stay together, and improve their future.